TEAMRegistration Billing Agreement 
By registering my child(ren) in the Neptune Swim Team, I understand and agree to abide by the following billing procedures: 
1) The billing cycle occurs on the first of each month. Ten days prior to the billing cycle, billing summaries will be emailed to each members account. Invoices will be generated and emailed out on the first of each month. Invoices may include meet fees, monthly installment charges, etc. All monthly payments received after the fifteenth of the billing cycle will be assessed at $20 administrative processing fee. By using the Autopay feature on our website, the amount owed will be deducted from your credit card. 
2) I understand that attending USA Swimming Meets are one of our main avenues of competition. Both USA Swimming registration and meet fees are additional costs not included in the price of the program. 
3) I understand that spirit wear, travel team fees, equipment purchases and/or fundraising purchases are not factored into or included in our billing and, I will pay for those purchases in addition to the team dues established. 
4) Upon completion of the season, I agree to "settle up" my account, thus bringing the account balance to $0.00. If I fail to do so, I understand that my child will not be permitted to continue practicing with the team and will not be entered in any future meets until my account is paid in full. 
5) For new swimmers, team fees are non-refundable after 10 practices have been offered for your swimmer’s group. The team must be notified in writing if you choose to leave the team. ISI fees are non-refundable. For returning swimmers, team fees are 50% refundable until 14 days after registration, at which time they are non-refundable. Payments for other meets are non-refundable once the entries have been sent to the meet hosts (contact the coaches for specifics). Seasonal team fees will not be pro-rated for any time period of non-attendance at practices or meets. A special fee has been designated for High School swimmers that will miss a portion of the season.

Registration Billing Agreement

By registering my child(ren) in the Neptune Swim Team, I understand and agree to abide by the following billing procedures:

1) The billing cycle occurs on the first of each month. Ten days prior to the billing cycle, billing summaries will be emailed to each members account. Invoices will be generated and emailed out on the first of each month. Invoices may include meet fees, monthly installment charges, etc. All monthly payments received after the fifteenth of the billing cycle will be assessed at $20 administrative processing fee. By using the Autopay feature on our website, the amount owed will be deducted from your credit card.

2) I understand that attending USA Swimming Meets are one of our main avenues of competition. Both USA Swimming registration and meet fees are additional costs not included in the price of the program.

3) I understand that spirit wear, travel team fees, equipment purchases and/or fundraising purchases are not factored into or included in our billing and, I will pay for those purchases in addition to the team dues established.

4) Upon completion of the season, I agree to "settle up" my account, thus bringing the account balance to $0.00. If I fail to do so, I understand that my child will not be permitted to continue practicing with the team and will not be entered in any future meets until my account is paid in full.

5) For new swimmers, team fees are non-refundable after 10 practices have been offered for your swimmer’s group. The team must be notified in writing if you choose to leave the team. ISI fees are non-refundable. For returning swimmers, team fees are 50% refundable until 14 days after registration, at which time they are non-refundable. Payments for other meets are non-refundable once the entries have been sent to the meet hosts (contact the coaches for specifics). Seasonal team fees will not be pro-rated for any time period of non-attendance at practices or meets. A special fee has been designated for High School swimmers that will miss a portion of the season.

Registration Billing Agreement

By registering my child(ren) in the Neptune Swim Team, I understand and agree to abide by the following billing procedures:

1) The billing cycle occurs on the first of each month. Ten days prior to the billing cycle, billing summaries will be emailed to each members account. Invoices will be generated and emailed out on the first of each month. Invoices may include meet fees, monthly installment charges, etc. All monthly payments received after the fifteenth of the billing cycle will be assessed at $20 administrative processing fee. By using the Autopay feature on our website, the amount owed will be deducted from your credit card.

2) I understand that attending USA Swimming Meets are one of our main avenues of competition. Both USA Swimming registration and meet fees are additional costs not included in the price of the program.

3) I understand that spirit wear, travel team fees, equipment purchases and/or fundraising purchases are not factored into or included in our billing and, I will pay for those purchases in addition to the team dues established.

4) Upon completion of the season, I agree to "settle up" my account, thus bringing the account balance to $0.00. If I fail to do so, I understand that my child will not be permitted to continue practicing with the team and will not be entered in any future meets until my account is paid in full.

5) For new swimmers, team fees are non-refundable after 10 practices have been offered for your swimmer’s group. The team must be notified in writing if you choose to leave the team. ISI fees are non-refundable. For returning swimmers, team fees are 50% refundable until 14 days after registration, at which time they are non-refundable. Payments for other meets are non-refundable once the entries have been sent to the meet hosts (contact the coaches for specifics). Seasonal team fees will not be pro-rated for any time period of non-attendance at practices or meets. A special fee has been designated for High School swimmers that will miss a portion of the season.

Registration Billing Agreement

By registering my child(ren) in the Neptune Swim Team, I understand and agree to abide by the following billing procedures:

1) The billing cycle occurs on the first of each month. Ten days prior to the billing cycle, billing summaries will be emailed to each members account. Invoices will be generated and emailed out on the first of each month. Invoices may include meet fees, monthly installment charges, etc. All monthly payments received after the fifteenth of the billing cycle will be assessed at $20 administrative processing fee. By using the Autopay feature on our website, the amount owed will be deducted from your credit card.

2) I understand that attending USA Swimming Meets are one of our main avenues of competition. Both USA Swimming registration and meet fees are additional costs not included in the price of the program.

3) I understand that spirit wear, travel team fees, equipment purchases and/or fundraising purchases are not factored into or included in our billing and, I will pay for those purchases in addition to the team dues established.

4) Upon completion of the season, I agree to "settle up" my account, thus bringing the account balance to $0.00. If I fail to do so, I understand that my child will not be permitted to continue practicing with the team and will not be entered in any future meets until my account is paid in full.

5) For new swimmers, team fees are non-refundable after 10 practices have been offered for your swimmer’s group. The team must be notified in writing if you choose to leave the team. ISI fees are non-refundable. For returning swimmers, team fees are 50% refundable until 14 days after registration, at which time they are non-refundable. Payments for other meets are non-refundable once the entries have been sent to the meet hosts (contact the coaches for specifics). Seasonal team fees will not be pro-rated for any time period of non-attendance at practices or meets. A special fee has been designated for High School swimmers that will miss a portion of the season.

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Registration is completed online through our website.  When registering for each season, please be sure to read through all important medical and liability waivers, as well as specific policies pertaining to billing, photography, locker room, etc.  


All communications are sent via email. This includes Weekly Reminders, meet deadlines, and miscellaneous team information.

Registration Fees

Team practice fees will be charged monthly. 

USA Swimming Registartion 

USA Swimming registration is required for all training groups. You will need to register with USA swimming separately.

Billing Policies

The billing cycle occurs on the first of each month.  Ten days prior to the billing cycle, billing summaries will be emailed to each member's account.  Invoices will be generated and emailed out on the first of each month. Invoices may include meet fees, monthly installment charges, etc.  All monthly payments received after the fifteenth of the billing cycle will be assessed at $20 administrative processing fee.  By using the Autopay feature (highly encouraged) on our website, the amount owed will be deducted from your credit card.  

Auto Pay Feature - using Debit/Credit Card 

We encourage every family to have a current debit / credit card on file. We accept payment by Visa and Mastercard.  If a card failure occurs, there will be a $10 fee assessed to your account.  First time failures will receive a one time waiver.

Meet Entries and Entry Fees

Families will need to opt-in for meets.  Use the team website to declare your attendance/entries into meets.  An email will be sent confirming our team acceptance into a meet. Once the entries have been finalized, you are responsible to pay for any fees associated with the meet.


Successful, well-run swim meets rely on volunteers.  Families will be assigned timing positions at away meets if required.  Families will be able to volunteer for meet positions for home meets.

Group Assignments

The coaches will place your swimmer in an assigned group based on a number of different qualifications.

No Parents on Deck 

For liability purposes, Neptune Swim Team has a "No Parents on Deck" Policy. If you are staying for the duration of the practice time, we ask that you observe from the stands or lobby. Coaches do reserve the right to invite parents onto the pool deck.  Any questions for the coaches should be reserved until after practice.

Pick Up/Drop Off

It is encouraged that children under the age of 12 be accompanied into the facility and monitored until they are on the pool deck where supervision is provided by the coaches. Please pick up your swimmer promptly upon the conclusion of each practice. Swimmers may not be left longer than 20 minutes after the end of practice.


The lifeguards, pool managers, and coaches have the authority to enforce club/facility rules and may command any individual to comply with club/facility rules.

Personal Property

The Neptune Swim Team or coaches are not responsible for lost or damaged personal property.